Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Yesterday, the doctor called...

and confirmed what we already knew.  I have Lyme disease.  I'm not really worried.  It was caught early, and with modern medicine, I'll be fine.  I am annoyed at the symptoms, though.  I am a teacher, and this is the start to my summer!?  Egads.

Alright, everyone keeps asking, "How did you know?," "What were the symptoms?" Here you go:

First, my asthma flared up and I was quite fatigued (all attributed to cleaning and closing my classroom for the summer, right?!)

Next, a weekend with a horrific headache.  A weird one in the back of my head and a very stiff neck. (Must've slept on it wrong, trying to sleep in a more upright fashion given the asthma and allergies.)

Then, a rash.  Two very faint pink circles. Hmmm, could they be? Nah.  Well, let's ask a friend, "OMG, no, I *can* see it *very* clearly!  You have to go to the doctor!"

I scheduled the appointment.

More symptoms: Nausea, vomiting,  loss of appetite, lethargy ~ Ugh!  Not a way to start summer!!

And so I headed to the doctor, listing only symptoms, feeling a bit hypochondriac, and reassured that I went, because ~

"Yes, that looks like Lyme, have you had a tick bite, oh yes, that is not eczema in your scalp, but could definitely be the spot, and no, the rash does not need to be at the site of the bite.  I am so glad you came in.  It's curable in the first 6 months.  We'll do blood work to confirm, but it could come back negative since this is early, in which case you'll come back to be re-tested in a month.  Take this antibiotic for a month.  I'm sorry, but it will make you nauseous, no food 2 hours before or after taking it, no dairy, the calcium will bind with the antibiotic and not absorb as well. Fish oil will help with the swelling."

Alright, really?!

So, I did a bit of research, and will take the Doxycycline and Fish Oil vigilantly.  The bacteria that causes Lyme is a spirochete, and like a corkscrew, holds on tight in your system.

Like I said, the blood work confirmed what we already knew, so now it's time to get on with it.

This blog is really about eating my way to recovery.  I began dabbling with this last week, when I was at my worst, and am feeling better already.  Keeping the side effects of this medication regime is critical for enjoying this summer, and enjoy it, I will.  So to keep me motivated I will be posting all the yummy dishes I am making to share with other Lymies, and quite frankly, anyone enjoys yummy Whole Food cooking!

Cheers with a twist of Lyme!


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